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A. On first impression, Leicester is a modern city, but an attentive visitor will easily find traces of its Roman and medieval past. Since the late seventeenth century, Leicester has been a centre of the hosiery trade and it was this industry that attracted hundreds of Asian immigrants to settle here in the 1950s and 1960s.

Today, about one third of Leicester’s population is Asian. They put on a massive and internationally famous Diwali, Festival of Light, in October or November, when 6 thousand lamps are hung along the Belgrave Road and about 20, 000 people come to watch the switch-on. The city’s Afro-Caribbean community celebrates its culture in a whirl of colour and music on the first weekend in August. It is the country’s second biggest street festival after the Notting Hill Carnival in London.


  1. Leicester’s history goes back to the Roman times.
  2. Most people of Leicester are Asian immigrants.
  3. The biggest street festival in England is held in Leicester.



B. The county town of Dorset, Dorchester still functions as the main agricultural centre for the region, and if you come here on a Wednesday when the market takes place you’ll find it busier than usual. For the local tourist authorities this is essentially Thomas Hardy’s town. He was born in Dorchester and spent much of his life here. His statue now stands on High West Street. The town appears in his novels as Casterbridge, and the countryside all around is vividly depicted, especially the picturesque forest of Cranborne Chase.

Dorchester has an attractive central part of mostly seventeenth-century and Georgian buildings, though the town’s origins go back to the Romans. The Roman walls were replaced in the eighteenth century by tree-lined avenues called “Walks”, but some traces of the Roman period have survived. At the back of the County Hall excavations have uncovered a fine Roman villa with a well-preserved mosaic floor.


  1. Local farmers sell their products at the market in Dorchester once a week.
  2. A famous English artist was born in Dorchester.
  3. Dorchester is no longer surrounded by Roman walls.




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