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ЕГЭ-3164 — Ответы


Задания 19-25



Funny seagull thinks he is a cat


A seagull was adopted by June and Steve Grimwood, who found a soot-covered young bird in their fireplace and called him Mr. Pooh. The gull ___WAS_BROUGHT___ up with cats.

He slept in a cat’s basket, from which he acquired a taste for Whiskas. Since then, Mr. Pooh has learned the sound of the fridge door ___BEING_OPENED___.

He ___HAS_LEFT___ the family home, but he can’t resist returning three times a day for his favourite food, announcing his arrival by tapping on the door.



Monet’s Garden


Monet’s Garden was created in 1883 in the Valley of the River Epte by Claude Monet, the leader of the Impressionist painters. Monet liked ___PAINTING___ a subject in the open air and planned that his future garden would inspire artists and photographers.

With the support of the local authorities, Monet had a small pond dug, even though his peasant neighbours ___DID_NOT_LIKE___ it. They were afraid that his strange plants ___WOULD_POISON___ the water. Near the pond, there is a water-garden with its famous willows and water-lilies, which still appear to await the eye of the master for a final canvas.

This wonderful play of light and shadow inspired ___HIM___ for the immortal paintings.



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