Задания 19-25
Christmas trees
One Christmas Eve the trees in a wood were very unhappy. They wished very much to make Christmas stay, but they ___DID_NOT_KNOW___ how to do so. ‘We are so bare,’ complained one tree. ‘If we only had our pretty green summer dresses,’ said other trees.
‘Hush, children, hush,’ whispered North Wind in a gentle voice, which was unusual for the ___WORST___ of all winds. ‘Go to sleep.’ While they slept something happened.
When the trees awoke they found that someone, perhaps North Wind, had cast over each of ___THEM___ a lovely soft cloak of spotless feathery white.
Seagull problem
The councillors of Dumfries, Scotland, are determined to do something about the seagull problem. Dumfries is the ___THIRD___ town in the region invaded by seagulls which attack people. The birds protect their nests.
Local authorities declared that next spring special anti-gull ‘task-force’ ___WOULD_DESTROY___ the gull nests. “Seagulls are a menace to Scottish towns,” said Environment Minister Michael Russell.
“Recently, they ___HAVE_BECOME___ aggressive to other birds, pets and even people.”
Councillor Jack Groom said the time for talk was over, adding that it was time for action before ___MORE___ people were hurt by the gulls.