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ЕГЭ-3168 — Ответы


Задания 19-25



Global warming


In northern Québec and Labrador, temperatures ___HAVE_RISEN___ two degrees Celsius since the mid-1990s. That rise has helped more trees grow in the area which was previously too cold for trees.

And the more trees that grow, the ___WARMER___ the region becomes.

“The cold landscape that we are accustomed to in northern Canada ___WILL_BE___ a thing of the past soon,” specialists predict.



Sense of humour


There are many funny stories about Will Rogers, a famous American actor and humorist. Once he ___WAS_INVITED___ to the White House to meet President Calvin Coolidge.

Rogers was cautioned not to try to be funny because the President had no sense of humour. Rogers bet that he ___WOULD_MAKE___ Coolidge laugh within 20 seconds.

When the formal introduction was made and the words “Mr. President, may I introduce my friend, Mr. Will Rogers,” were pronounced, Rogers held out his hand with a ___QUESTIONING___ look and said, “Pardon me, I didn’t quite get the name.”

Coolidge roared with laughter, and Rogers ___WON___ the bet.



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