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ЕГЭ-3358 — Ответы


Задания 32-38




  1. D) long
  2. A) please
  3. C) on
  4. B) looked
  5. A) Although
  6. B) succeeded
  7. C) keep



The effect of the temperature


Many people believe that office conditions can influence our work. For a __long__ time achieving a comfortable room temperature in hot climates was a constant struggle. Research discovered an obvious fact: finding an office temperature to __please__ everyone all the time is basically impossible. “Part of the problem is trying to work out the “correct” temperature. It depends __on__ what you’re measuring,” said researcher David House.

One study __looked__  at the impact of the room temperature on worker productivity, by tracking the activity of managers in an office. __Although__ it measured the activity of just nine women, the results were impressive. At 25°C they were typing non-stop with an error rate of just 10%. When the temperature dropped to 20°C, they were half as productive, more than doubling the number of mistakes.

But it’s not quite that simple. When students in the other study were asked to solve a math problem in either a cool or a warm room, the group in the cooler room __succeeded__ in this task twice as often. It means that complex decisions are more difficult when we’re warm. When the temperature is above 27°C, we’re not so good at mathematics.

In fact, the room temperature can do more than influence your productivity – it can change the way you think. Warm environments are better for creative thinking, while cooler workplaces are thought to __keep__ people active during repetitive or monotonous tasks.



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