Упражнение 3
1) What time __WAS__ the basketball game last night?
2) Who __WERE__ you with at the party?
3) __WERE__ you at school yesterday?
4) __WAS__ yesterday Monday?
5) What __WERE__ the names of the four Beatles?
6) __WAS__ the girl happy?
7) __WERE__ the teachers nice to the new pupil?
8) __WERE__ the kittens cute?
9) What __WERE__ Andrei and Nikita doing in the park yesterday?
10) Why __WERE__ you running yesterday?
11) Where __WERE__ you last night?
12) When __WAS__ Evgenia cleaning her room?
13) Who __WAS__ Daniil talking to on the phone?
14) __WERE__ you sad last week?
15) __WERE__ the football players training last week?
16) How __WAS__ your meal?
17) __WAS__ that dress expensive?
18) __WERE__ the detective stories interesting?
19) What __WAS__ the name of your first teacher at school?
20) Where __WERE__ you born?
21) How old __WERE__ your parents when they got married?
22) Who __WAS__ the first James Bond?
23) What __WERE__ you doing when I saw you in the park?
24) __WAS__ your father driving a truck yesterday?
25) When __WAS__ the last time you visited Moscow?