Упражнение 5
Счетные и неисчисляемые существительные — разные формы
Заполните поля правильным словом: a / an, some или any
1) Sergey doesn’t need ________ help.
2) Is there ________ cake left?
3) There is ________ orange on the desk.
4) Daniil wants ________ coffee.
5) There are ________ books on the table.
6) They went to the park, but didn’t have ________ fun.
7) Do you have to do ________ homework tonight?
8) I have ________ pencil, but don’t have ________ pens.
9) Is there ________ pasta in the cupboard?
10) Were there ________ computers in the room?
11) There are ________ cars in the car park.
12) Are there ________ fish in the aquarium?
13) I have ________ bread and ________ cheese.
14) I don’t want ________ food. I’m not hungry.
15) Is there ________ lamp on the desk?
16) Can I have ________ strawberry jam?
17) Do you have ________ minute to speak to me?
18) Daria doesn’t have ________ brothers.
19) I didn’t see ________ of your toys in the garden.
20) Take ________ umbrella with you. It may rain later.
21) Mum doesn’t want ________ breakfast today.
22) There wasn’t ________ soap in the bathroom.
23) Can you buy ________ flour when you go the store?
24) Why is there ________ banana on that chair?
25) Dad just had ________ fruit for breakfast.