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ОГЭ-3110 — Answers


Задания 18-26


Linda was looking forward to her holidays. First of all, she ___FELT___ really tired from school and wanted to have a break. The __SECOND___ reason was that they were going to take a trip going to take a trip to the mountains. Linda enjoyed it very much when they went somewhere all together as a family. They ___DID_NOT_DO___ it very often since her parents were very busy people. Linda ___COULD_NOT___ ski but the prospect didn’t scare her. She learnt everything very quickly, especially when her father taught ___HER___. He was the ___BEST___ teacher in the world!

“I ___HAVE_BOUGHT___ special sunglasses for skiing,” Linda boasted to her father. “Have a look! Nice, aren’t they?”

“They are,” he gave Linda a quick look and turned back to his computer. He ___WAS_PREPARING___ a presentation or something else very important. Linda could see diagrams on the screen. They ___WERE_DRAWN___ in different colours which made them look complicated.



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