Задание 35
Electronic assistant: Hello! It’s the electronic assistant of the Teen Web. We kindly ask you to take part in our survey. We would like to find out how teenagers feel about TV. Please answer six questions. The survey is anonymous — you don’t have to give your name. So, let’s get started…
- Electronic assistant: How many TV sets are there in your house?
Student: ______________________________________________
- Electronic assistant: Who watches most TV in your family?
Student: ______________________________________________
- Electronic assistant: How much time a day do you spend watching TV?
Student: ______________________________________________
- Electronic assistant: What kind of TV programmes do you like?
Student: ______________________________________________
- Electronic assistant: Would you like to take part in a TV show – for example, in a quiz show?
Student: ______________________________________________
- Electronic assistant: Does a career on TV attract you, or not? Why?
Student: ______________________________________________
Electronic assistant: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for your cooperation.